Digital Nomad Visa: Armenia and the Rights of Remote Employees


In recent years, there’s been a rise in a new work culture known as remote work, allowing individuals to work from various locations worldwide while immersing themselves in diverse cultural experiences. These individuals are commonly called digital nomads and their work is directly connected to the concept of a digital nomad visa.

As a digital nomad residing in the Republic of Armenia and working with foreign companies, it’s essential to maintain a bank account with commercial local banks. This will streamline international transfers, salary reception, and other financial transactions.


The Law of the Republic of Armenia “On Foreigners” regulates the interactions involving the entry of foreigners into the territory of Armenia (hereinafter also referred to as RA), their stay and residence within Armenia, transit lane through Armenian territory, as well as entry and exit procedures.           

The term “foreigners” refers to the individuals who are not citizens of the Republic of Armenia. These can be:

  • People with a citizenship of another state (foreign citizens)
  • People who do not have the citizenship of any country (persons without citizenship)

Who Is a Digital Nomad and What Is a Digital Nomad Visa?

Digital nomads distinguish themselves from remote workers by typically residing in one country while working in another. They don’t work from their permanent residence or office. A digital nomad visa, on the other hand, is a specific visa category offered by various countries, enabling individuals to work from the territory of the country.

Does the Republic of Armenia Issue a Digital Nomad Visa to Individuals?

Although the Republic of Armenia allows foreign nationals to work within its borders, the legislation pertaining to foreigners, as articulated in the RA Law “On Foreigners,” does not expressly outline the concept of a “digital nomad visa,” nor does it specify the associated requirements or documents needed for its acquisition. 

While the idea of a digital nomad visa isn’t applicable within the RA, the country offers foreigners a residency status. This allows them to work for foreign countries while in Armenia. There are benefits to this residency status, which we’ll explain further.

Citizens from visa-exempt countries, who are considered non-tax residents, can stay in Armenia for up to 180 days in a year without needing an ordinary or digital nomad visa. The actual 180-day period refers to the duration during which an individual can physically stay in the Republic of Armenia without possessing a document verifying their right to stay.

If there is intent to stay longer in the RA, it is essential to have a valid justification confirming the foreigner’s right to reside, such as residency status. 

Foreign citizens who are subject to Armenia’s entry visa requirements can stay in the country for the duration specified on their entry visa.

How can MB Legal help you?

  • Preparation of the required documentation for the submission of a residence status application.
  • Representation of residence status at the authorized state administrative body of the Government of the Republic of Armenia.
  • Preparation of necessary documents for registering as an individual entrepreneur and/or registering a Company.
  • Representation for registering an individual entrepreneur and/or company at the Agency of the State Register of Legal Entities of the RA Ministry of Justice.

Should You Obtain a Work Permit When Working in Other Countries While Residing in the RA?

If you’re in Armenia but working outside the country, you don’t need a local work permit. This document is mainly for foreigners seeking temporary residence and employment within Armenia.

However, it’s important to note that the application for a work permit is typically initiated by the Armenian employer, aiming to recruit a foreign employee. This contrasts with the application process for obtaining residence status based on entrepreneurial activities, which is typically conducted directly by the foreign citizens or through an authorized representative.

How can digital nomads get a residence permit in Armenia?

Foreigners can qualify for a digital nomad visa alternative, a.k.a temporary residence in Armenia by demonstrating reasons for staying in the country for at least one year. 

Examples of such circumstances could include: 

  • Engaging in business activities within Armenia, such as registering as an individual entrepreneur or registering a company.
  • Being the spouse, parent, or child of a foreigner with temporary residence status in RA 
  • Being Armenian by nationality
  • Being married to or closely related (parent, child, sibling, grandparent, grandchild) to a citizen of the Republic of Armenia or a foreigner with permanent or special residency status in the Republic of Armenia.
  • Other cases defined by law


Digital nomad working remotely

Which Documents Are Needed to Acquire Residency Status?

To acquire a residency permit status as an alternative to the digital nomad visa in Armenia, it is required to submit the following documents to an authorized public administration body of the Republic of Armenia:

  1. Application
  2. 3 photos of size 35×45 mm
  3. Passport (with a certified notarized translation and copy)
  4. A document confirming business activities conducted within the territory of the Republic of Armenia (It is essential to note that there is no minimum income requirement specified by the Armenian legislation for economic activities)
  5. A copy of the stamp of the RA entry visa 
  6. Health certificate
  7. Receipt of payment of state duty 
  • For obtaining a temporary residence status (1 year): AMD 105,000
  • For obtaining a permanent residence status (5-year): AMD 145,000
  • For obtaining a special residence status (10-year): 150,000 AMD. (The special residence status can be obtained by Armenians who, among other documents, present a document confirming their Armenian nationality, and by foreigners engaging in economic or cultural activities in the Republic of Armenia).

What Are the Advantages of Obtaining a Residence Status in Armenia as a Digital Nomad?

The Republic of Armenia, with its rich historical and cultural heritage spanning centuries, is renowned for its safety and favorable tax system compared to other countries. Acquiring residency status enables individuals not only to work within Armenia but also to enjoy its myriad benefits.

This includes the following:

  • Having rights, duties, and freedoms equal to citizens of the Republic of Armenia according to the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia, including, but not limited to, rights to health care, social security, education, property, and personal life, etc.. Despite the aforementioned rights and responsibilities acquired upon obtaining a residence status, a person is not subject to mandatory military service: unlike persons with RA citizenship.
  • The 5-year residence status can be extended each time for the same period. After receiving the residence status and living in RA for 3 consecutive years, a person can apply for RA citizenship.
  • Being in the RA territory for the given period of residence status.
  • Engaging in business activities in the territory of the Republic of Armenia.
  • Obtaining residence status for family members thanks to the individual who has already been granted residence status.
  • After receiving the residence status, it is not required to stay permanently in the territory of the Republic of Armenia,
  • Low tax rates for engaging in business activities, with the possibility of tax privileges in certain areas.

How Long Does It Take To Receive the Decision on Residency Status Adopted?

According to the RA Law “On Foreigners,” residency status applications are typically processed within 30 days of submission. However, this period may be prolonged by an additional 30 days if necessary. The final decision regarding the approval or rejection of the residency permit is made by the authorized state administrative body of the Government of the Republic of Armenia within a maximum period of 2 months.

How and When Is the Residence Status Extended?

The request to extend temporary residence status must be submitted at least 30 days before the status expires, along with the required documentation.

Is It Mandatory to be in Armenia for the Duration of the Entire Process?

Individuals have the option to authorize another person to submit a residence status application on their behalf, utilizing a notarized power of attorney. However, it is necessary for the foreigner to be physically present within the territory of the Republic of Armenia at the time of submitting the residence status application. 

Yet, the presence of the individual in the RA is not obligatory during the decision-making process regarding the approval or rejection of residence status by the authorized state administrative body.

The Bottom Lines

If you, as a digital nomad in Armenia, want to obtain a residence status as an alternative to a digital nomad visa, our team of professional legal experts can assist you!

How can we help you?

  • Preparation of the required documentation for the submission of a residence status application.
  • Representation of residence status at the authorized state administrative body of the Government of the Republic of Armenia.
  • Preparation of necessary documents for registering as an individual entrepreneur and/or registering a Company.
  • Representation for registering an individual entrepreneur and/or company at the Agency of the State Register of Legal Entities of the RA Ministry of Justice.


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