How to Obtain Citizenship of the Republic of Armenia?


Taking into account the recent activity on the topics of obtaining a residence permit in Armenia and obtaining citizenship of the Republic of Armenia, MB Legal answers the most frequently asked questions.

What are the grounds for obtaining RA citizenship?

Citizenship of the Republic of Armenia is acquired, inter alia,

  • by recognition of citizenship, which is based on the fact of being a former citizen of the ASSR and permanently residing in the Republic of Armenia,
  • by birth, ( The procedure for obtaining RA citizenship on the basis of birth is as follows: if at the time of the birth of a child, his parents are citizens of the RA, then the child acquires RA citizenship. If one of the parents is a citizen of the Republic of Armenia and the other is a foreign citizen, then the child can acquire citizenship of the Republic of Armenia with the consent of the parents.)
  • by obtaining citizenship, in which case the person should meet the requirements defined by the law.


The main requirements defined by the law are as follows:

  • the applicant is a capable person, over 18 years of age, and does not hold Armenian citizenship,
  • the person has permanently resided in the Republic of Armenia on the legal basis for the last three years,
  • can explain herself/himself in Armenian
  • is familiar with the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia.


An exception to these conditions is provided for a person who, prior to the submission of an application for obtaining RA citizenship, has been in a registered and legal marriage with a citizen of the Republic of Armenia for the past two years and has resided in the Republic of Armenia for at least 365 days during these two years legally or has a child who is a citizen of the Republic of Armenia. And for Armenians by nationality, obtaining RA citizenship is a simplified process.

To which authorized body should the necessary documents be submitted?

The necessary documents for obtaining RA citizenship should be submitted personally to the Passport and Visa Department of the Police of the Republic of Armenia, and in foreign countries to the Embassy or Consular Institution of the Republic of Armenia.

In what terms is RA citizenship granted?

Although at the moment a number of reforms aimed at shortening the process of obtaining RA citizenship are being carried out, this process can still take about a year.

What are the exceptions to the established procedure?

According to the recent amendments made to the law on “Citizenship of the Republic of Armenia”, without meeting the above conditions, RA citizenship can also be granted to persons who have provided exceptional services to the Republic of Armenia, as well as those who have a significant contribution in the fields of economy, science, education, culture, healthcare, sports.

The draft decision of the Government of the Republic of Armenia on the approval of the criteria for assessing and describing a significant contribution to the field of economy, science, education, culture, health, sports has not yet been adopted and is still in circulation.

According to this project, a significant contribution to the economy will be considered, inter alia, gratuitous provision of funds in the amount of at least 150,000 US dollars in order to replenish the inviolable capital of a fund created to carry out activities in the field of education or science; investment in the authorized capital (acquisition of shares) of a commercial organization in the amount of at least USD 150,000 for a period of at least 10 years, establishment of a company in the field of high and / or information technologies with a capitalization of AMD 1 million or more in the Republic of Armenia, provided that that the center of interests of the founder is in the Republic of Armenia, etc.

The criteria for assessing a significant contribution in the field of science, education, culture and sports will be a significant contribution to the dissemination and development of Armenian culture, long-term active cooperation with Armenian figures or organizations of culture and art, significant participation in the preservation of Armenian culture, social and charitable activities, international recognition and reputation of the applicant, which can be used to strengthen and popularize the international position of Armenian culture.

And the provision of medical care and services by foreign medical workers in medical organizations of the Republic of Armenia or the Republic of Artsakh, which are under martial law, will be considered a significant contribution to the field of healthcare.

However, this is yet a draft project, and the described criteria may be modified in the final version.

Our team will gladly support you in all stages of this process and with any questions.

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